Informatics Educational Opportunities

Weekend Immersion in Nursing Informatics

This intensive course held in various locations throughout the United States includes content for nurses interested in becoming Certified Informatics Nurses. For more information, see

Nursing Informatics Boot Camp

This intensive two day course focuses on current informatics trends and issues in health. It includes content for nurses who are interested in becoming Board Certified Informatics Nurses. Other clinical professionals working in informatics may wish to take the course to become exposed to the course topics. Contact hours will be awarded based on the length of each program (typically 14 CE hours).

Susan K. Newbold, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN, FHIMSS is a Healthcare Informatics Consultant, Franklin, TN. Dr. Newbold is Board Certified in Healthcare Informatics and initiated the first review course in nursing informatics in 1995 which she taught nearly 50 times. For locations and registration, see

2022 Boot Camp Courses:

·         August 11-12, 2022Thurs/Fri.  Cerner Corporation, Kansas City, MO. Will be in person. (Clients & Associates only), Yoana Cruz, [email protected]; Registration open:  Overview - Nursing Informatics Boot Camp (  Seats still available.

·         Sept 9-10, 2022 Fri/Sat Nashville, TN. in person! Julie Shadburne, [email protected]; Registration open: Nursing Informatics Boot Camp Tickets, Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite

·         Oct 7-8, 2022 Fri/Sat. Dignity Health San Bernardino, CA. in person! Melanie Sorenson, [email protected]